Новости DGR (En)


From March 14 to 15, the 3rd international conference and exhibition TECH MINING was held in Krasnoyarsk. This is a professional platform that brings together representatives of the mining industry, developers, engineers, manufacturers of mining equipment, specialists in digitalization and robotization of industry enterprises, the scientific community and government authorities.

We visited the TECH MINING SIBERIA exhibition for the first time, which brings together representatives of mining companies in the Siberian Federal District. DGR took part in the exhibition at a stand where products such as DrillGeo and PitManager were presented.

Denis Cheremisin, leading sales manager, made a presentation “Prospects for the development of robotic solutions using artificial intelligence to automate geological exploration drilling.” Negotiations were held on the implementation of an operating system for managing exploration drilling rigs with the participation of industrial enterprises.
2024-05-06 16:42